Ministries - Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults

RCIA Co-ordinator - Fr Bob Sheridan

New Members Page / RCIA History / The RCIA Process-Journey

THE RCIA PROGRAM - A Personal Perspective

I began the RCIA with two other people. We came to the program with different histories and with different expectations of what we would learn. All three of us had begun on a private journey and doing the RCIA program became a shared journey of discovery about what it means to be Catholic. I enjoyed sharing our stories about how we came to be on this journey to become Catholic. It was inspiring and demonstrated to me how God is a subtle guiding influence in our lives.

I came to the RCIA program from an Anglican and Presbyterian background and was always fascinated to learn about the similarities and differences between the denominations. I also enjoyed learning about how God speaks to us in the various parts of the liturgy of Mass and what each part of the Mass means. I came to appreciate the importance of Mass and the sacraments in bringing us to a closer relationship with our creator.

The RCIA program is an excellent preparation to becoming Catholic. I wish the current RCIA participants well on their journey to becoming Catholic.

Fiona Evans

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